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queen bee造句

"queen bee"是什么意思  
  • The queen bee never leaves the hive .
  • Coming in here like . . . some goddamn queen bee ,
  • Coming in here like . some goddamn queen bee ,
  • The whole hive flew after the queen bee
  • I wouldn ' t tell the queen bee that
  • All right . here come the queen bees
  • And a new queen bee to serve
  • And a new queen bee to serve
  • Was i the new queen bee
  • Our research shows the destructive " queen bee " idea to be a myth
  • It's difficult to see queen bee in a sentence. 用queen bee造句挺难的
  • She ' s the queen bee
  • Allergic people shall not take royal jelly , they shall take queen bee placenta
    有过敏体质的人群不宜服用蜂王浆。改服“蜂王胎宝” 。
  • Coming in here like some goddamn queen bee , full of advice for a poor slob like me
  • The following year the air ministry ordered 420 such aircraft , known as the queen bee
    在这第二年,空军部订购了420架这样的飞机,并取名为“女王蜜蜂” 。
  • People with haemoglobin below 8g shall not take royal jelly , they shall take queen bee placenta .
    血色素在8克以下的人群不宜服用蜂王浆。改服“蜂王胎宝” 。
  • Pregnant women for over seven months , shall not take royal jelly , they shall take queen bee placenta
    怀孕七个月以上的孕妇,不宜服用蜂王浆。改服“蜂王胎宝” 。
  • A queen bee uses her stinger only to sting another queen bee . she never uses it on workers drones or people
  • Children below 10 years old and old people above 80 years old shall not take royal jelly , they shall take queen bee placenta
    10岁以下的孩子和80岁以上的老人不宜服用蜂王浆,改服“蜂王胎宝” 。
  • Royal jelly is the milky - white gelatinous substance secreted from the cephalic glands of nurse worker bees for the sole purpose of stimulating the growth and development of the queen bee
  • It contains cordycepin , juvenilehormone , ecdysone , silkworm dialyzable extracts , queen bee and larva extract , with the function of nourishing yin and tonifying kidney , balancing yin and yang , strengthening physical ability and regulating immunity
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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